Donate Blood or Sponsor it

Blood is a specialized body fluid and performs vital functions of the body, including oxygen and nutrients transport, carries immune cells (responsible for fight against infection), transports body waste to kidneys and liver for excretion, forms clots at the site of injury to prevent blood loss and regulates body temperature. It has four main components: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Blood transfusion is done due to many reasons, such as surgery, injury, disease or bleeding disorder. Blood can be required as whole or in parts such as plasma or red blood cells etc.
You can donate blood if you are healthy, age between 17-65 years and weigh at least 110 lb/50 kg.
  • It stimulates your blood cells production.
  • It reduces your risks of heart disease and cholesterol.
  • It reduces the excessive accumulation of iron in your body.
  • You burn your calories.
  • Regular blood donations can even lower a high blood pressure.
  • Helps to lower the risk of cancer.
  • You get a mini health examination every time you donate blood.
  • Inner satisfaction! You are the super hero who saved at least 3 lives.
Al-Mustafa Welfare Society has a latest blood bank which arranges, reserves and supplies blood required for thalassemia patients (mainly, as they need blood transfusion as often as twice weekly to survive), infants in NICU (mostly require plasma and other constituents of blood), patients admitted in ICU etc. Our team of volunteers also drives blood donation campaigns and arranges camps at different universities and other spots in the city. We also send blood donors all the results of lab investigations done for the screening of blood i-e Blood group, Hepatitis, HIV etc.  
Who Can Donate Blood?
You can donate blood if you are healthy, age between 17-65 years and weigh at least 110 lb/50 kg. Benefits of Donating Blood
  •  It stimulates your blood cells production.
  •  It reduces your risks of heart disease and cholesterol.
  • It reduces the excessive accumulation of iron in your body.
  • You burn your calories.
  • Regular blood donations can even lower a high blood pressure.
  • Helps to lower the risk of cancer.
  •  You get a mini health examination every time you donate blood.
  • Inner satisfaction! You are the superhero who saved at least 3 lives.
Collecting blood donations for transfusion is not the only job which needs to be done, the most important task is to provide safe and secure blood to the recipient because unsafe blood could transmit many diseases and can be fatal for the recipient. Blood donors are asked a set of standard questions prior to donating blood to assist in determining if they are in good health and free of any diseases that could be transmitted by blood transfusion. If the donor is eligible to donate, then the donated blood is tested to determine the blood group (A, B, O), Rh type (negative or positive) and some standard screening tests to confirm that the donated blood is pathogen free and safe for transfusion. The tests used to screen donated blood are listed below.
  • Hepatitis B & C
  • HIV Aids
  • Syphilis (VDRL)
  • Malaria Parasite

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