Sponsor a Child’s Education

Sponsor a Child’s Education

From: $0.00

Children are our future, save them from illiteracy by donating for their education.


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Education is the key to success and the basic right of every human being. The constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan ensures and obliges on the importance of education as: “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of five to sixteen years in such a manner as may be determined by law.” Some Disturbing Facts

  • Currently Pakistan has the world’s second highest number of out-of-school children (OOSC).
  • In our country, 22,800,000 children are denied of education.
  • Out of these 22.8 million children, 70% of the children have never been to schools.

The discussion is not about WHY EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT? But the real challenge is to determine WHY MAJORITY OF US ARE NOT EDUCATED AND WHAT CAN WE DO IN THIS REGARD? The political and economic crisis, weak infrastructure, un-availability of government schools in under-developed areas or very few government schools in thickly populated areas, poorly-functional and ghost government schools, un-awareness and poverty are the main factors that led to the education crisis in Pakistan. Al-Mustafa Welfare Society’s main mission is to provide quality health and education facilities to raise the living standards of the less privileged class of our society. We are currently running 13 schools throughout Pakistan under our education support program and currently 7,600 students are getting quality education through this program. Students from all over Pakistan are also provided scholarships to support their education where they do not have access to our schools. Our goal is to further upgrade these schools and build new schools throughout the country.

Per month expense of a student =PKR 1,500

Donation Type

Donation, Obligatory Donation


Sadqah, Khairat, Hadiyah, Zakat, Fitra, Usher, Sadqah due in Hajj/Umrah, Sadqah of Unperformed Qurban, Fidyah of Fasting, Fidyah of Salah


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